What are the React basics in lightspeed?

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces (UIs). Here are the basics of React in a nutshell:

  1. Components: React is built around the concept of components. A component is a modular, reusable piece of code that defines a part of the user interface. Components can be combined to create more complex UIs.
  2. JSX: JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code in your JavaScript files. JSX makes it easier to write and reason about the UI code, and is a core part of React.
  3. Virtual DOM: React uses a virtual DOM, which is an in-memory representation of the actual DOM. When a component is updated, React updates the virtual DOM first, and then calculates the minimal set of changes needed to update the actual DOM, which can improve performance.
  4. State: State is a way to manage data in React components. When the state of a component changes, React automatically re-renders the component and any child components that depend on the changed state.
  5. Props: Props are a way to pass data and functionality down from a parent component to a child component. Props are read-only, which means that a child component cannot modify its props directly.
  6. Event handling: React provides a consistent way to handle events, such as button clicks or form submissions, across different components.
  7. React Router: React Router is a library that allows you to add client-side routing to your React application. Client-side routing can improve the user experience by allowing the user to navigate between pages without triggering a full page refresh.

These are just some of the basics of React, but they should give you a good starting point for understanding the library and building your own React applications.

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